Donation goal


Donations received: 25.00 USD • Donation goal: 1,000.00 USD • Donations until the goal is met: 975.00 USD


If you'd like to support the website and work on NeatBot you may donate to us via PayPal. As a thank you for your donation, you will be promoted to a higher forum rank. Please note that NeatBot works only on Age I. It will not work on Age II. Donate with this limitation in mind.

$10 USD Donation - Community Member rank
Community members have access to test builds and the Tester's Forum and Tester's skype room.
Community members get a CAPTCHA rate of $3.20 per 1000 solves (compared to $7.00 per 1000 solves of a regular registered forum user).

$25 USD Donation - VIP Member rank
VIP members have access to VIP builds, the VIP Forum, the VIP skype room, and all benefits above.
VIP members get a CAPTCHA rate of $2.50 per 1000 solves (compared to $7.00 per 1000 solves of a regular registered forum user).

$50+ USD Donation - Super VIP Member rank
Super VIP members have access to the Super VIP Forum, the Super VIP skype room, and all benefits above.
Super VIP members may also choose a custom title for the forum if they wish... ask Inanna for yours.
Super VIP members get a CAPTCHA rate of $2.20 per 1000 solves (compared to $7.00 per 1000 solves of a regular registered forum user).

You need to be logged in to our forum in order for your donation to credit your account for Community Member, VIP or Super VIP status. If you donate Anonymously by mistake, please contact Inanna asap on the forum to get your account credited properly.

Your special status granted via donation lasts as long as NeatBot and Evony are around, you do not have to donate again to maintain your status. If you donate a smaller amount the forum will remember it and add it cumulatively to your next donation(s). Once you have donated enough for the next rank, you will be automatically promoted. For example, donating $5 at a time five different times will get you Community Member status on the second donation, and VIP status on the fifth donation.

Please be respectful of the staff and fellow forum users. Critique is fine, flaming/accusations/hostility is not. Disturbing the peace and/or ignoring warnings from staff can result in your Community Member, VIP, or Super VIP status being revoked temporarily or permanently and your privileges to use this forum and our Skype chat rooms removed. Remember, this is a DONATION, not payment for the right to abuse us. :)

Last 5 donations

Kasparov donated 25.00 USD via PayPal on Thu Sep 05, 2024 3:50 pm
kore donated 25.00 USD via PayPal on Tue Aug 27, 2024 11:24 am
prog donated 10.00 USD via PayPal on Thu Jul 11, 2024 10:22 pm
JoeGuitar donated 55.00 USD via PayPal on Thu Jul 04, 2024 7:45 am
SirRoger donated 25.00 USD via PayPal on Wed Jul 03, 2024 10:58 am